Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Stella's Top 8 NickNames

Today's blog entry is inspired by the Ladypug Mugs blog. Not long ago, Clementine and Winston listed their nicknames and Stella thought to herself "Hey, I have some awesome cool nicknames!!!" Then she decided I should list them.

So, at Stella's request, here are Stella's "other" names. They are:

1. Stella Bella

2. Stinky

3. Stinky Stella

3. Nut Ball

4. Stumpy

5. Stumpy Butt

6. Pretty

7. Killer

8. Stella Ella Ola (Qwack Qwack Qwack)

So there they are. Stella's super cool nick names as given to her by her family, bestest friends and one guy she kind of tolerates.


Stella now wishes me to add two more nicknames, as bestowed upon her by her Boston buddies, Mack and Murphy. So here they are:

9. Stella Ella Bella Della (as per Mack)

10. Stella Stels (as per Murphy)

Awesome! Eight is a sucky number for a list to have, ten is way better.


Lizzy said...


Man, those are some pretty awesome nicknames, girl! I like the Stella Ella Ola name, the tune that goes with it is pawesome!


Duke said...

Stinky?? That's pretty awful! How often do deserve to be called Stinky, Stella?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

Nut Ball?
I love it!!!

Here's one for you:
Stella Ella Bella Della

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Stella,
Grea nicknames, girl. Since my fave nickname is the hip-hop inspired Murph Doggie Dogg, I've decided to give you one too ... Stella Stels!
Hope you like it!

Alessia said...

I also have a Boston named Stella... 1 1/2 old. We also call her Stella Ella Ola, Stelly, Stelly Belly and poopface. Your Stella is adorable! I don't know what would happen if these two met on the street one day...haha!

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